small child the street snoop glue

childern the street very hungry in the morning

this is our house

How to recover the boy of the street?

The minor of the street wishes to return to the society, but their state of slavery to the vices, their addictions, are causing that they are continually frustrated. After having investigated several years the reasons, why the children of the street are leaving the shelters(institutions), that are existing at present time , and after analyzing them in detail , point by point, we got to form a strategy for the recovery of these children.

Center Shama applies the following work strategy of work in three different stages:


is the one, where are realized the field activities,the work in the street (very important stage), providing the children persuasion to leave the street, motivating their spiritual area and returning them to their homes (if it is possible) or to take them to the Refuge House of the institution.


will be carried out in the Refuge House? (First space of the children's demurrage), where the boy will receive a deep emotional, physical and spiritual treatment, besides norms, values, cultural and other patterns, so that he will be welcomed in a Christian family (home substitute) or to pass to the shelter of the institution.


will be carried out in the home house (house of the children's permanency), forming the boys with values and Christian principles, educating them and guiding them toward a profession and a different lifestyle.

sleep, this bed is very hard next the street

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