Who integrate it?

Who integrate it?

The personnel of Shama Center is conformed by two groups:

Constant Personal Group: who they design, they organize, they execute and they evaluate the project with children of the street. With 3 people on time complete and 2 on time partial.

Personal group of Support: conformed by volunteers, who enter through the seminaries organized by the institution and exert the function of educadores of the


Relación de Educadores de Calle

Verena Müllhaupt (Misionera de suiza)

Maria Seminario Navarro

Igor Castillo Vidal

Elisabeth Anco Estrella

Alicia Salvatierra Anyosa

Vilma Castañeda Huamán

Iladia Rivas de Rivadeneira

Gloria Enriquez Albornoz

Giannina Jara Colonia

Esther Romero Candiotti

Carmen Condori Ataucuri

Sara Galvez Velarde

Roberto Soberón

Daniel Klof (Misionero USA.)

Relación de Tutores de la Casa Hogar.

Frances Davinson Rodríguez

Violeta Davinson de Ramirez

Jorge Ramirez Garay

Janet Mori Cuya

F. Freddy Rosales Pimentel

Relation of Educators of the Streetthe group of educators continues preparing itself in the School of Qualification and works in different zones from Lima. Its participation and preparation involve approximately 3 times per week. (Photo)

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